
Long-Term Care Planning

Long-Term Care Planning

Long-Term Care Planning is the process of creating a plan for when you or a loved one requires help with day-to-day living, be it extended hospitalization due to injury, a nursing facility or in-home care due to age, or some other form of assisted living. These types of care are expensive, though with the proper planning, you can arrange for long-term care insurance, Medicare, or Medi-Cal benefits to help pay for your costs.

However, qualifying for government programs like Medi-Cal can require a would-be beneficiary to have the foresight to position themselves years in advance of applying so as to meet Medi-Cal’s specific criteria. This can require a series of steps best overseen with the guidance of an experienced attorney, so that you have a clear idea of the options that will be available to you, and a roadmap for achieving both comfort and security as you age.

Long-term care planning can be complicated, as the laws regulating programs like Medi-Cal and Medicare are technical and evolving, and new legislation and changes to the tax code leave people scrambling to identify the optimal strategy to maximize their savings. To help, we offer clients and non-clients alike a long-term care planning diagnostic to help make sure your future contains more promise than problems. If you would like to speak with an attorney at no cost to you regarding your situation, please contact us to schedule a free consultation at (415)439-0653, or click here to schedule a time online.


Safety is our first priority with both clients and staff. Consequently, we have taken steps to enable a "Covid-Compliant" process for estate planning services during this difficult time. We can now complete the intake and drafting of your materials entirely by telephone or video conference. At present we are not receiving clients at any of our office locations. Thank you for understanding.