
Elder Law

Elder Law

As elder law attorneys, we believe that providing peace of mind is our primary service. The world of elder services can be tricky to navigate, and smart long-term planning is critical for asset preservation. Many senior citizens ultimately outlive their ability to pay for their own care, and the subsequent burden of unexpected or unplanned for long-term care costs can be financially ruinous to you and your family. In fact, even something as straightforward as a Medicare application can leave a loved one paying out-of-pocket for medical coverage for up to five years if improperly prepared.

The best strategy is to plan ahead, but wherever you are in the process, we are available to discuss your arrangements and to ensure you are availing yourselves of the best available resources for the care of your loved one. If you are faced with doubt about decisions that you have either already made or that need to be made concerning medical needs, Social Security benefits, protecting a loved one with deteriorating mental capacity, or any of the other hundreds of legal issues great and small that can arise, know that you do not need to shoulder this responsibility alone. It is our mission to grant you the comfort and relief that comes from knowing you are working with legal professionals who have the necessary expertise to ensure an optimal outcome for your loved one. Please contact us to discuss any elder-related legal needs you may have, including:

  • A free consultation to plan for long-term care, or to discuss your existing arrangements to be certain you have the basics covered;
  • Identifying and implementing asset protection strategies;
  • Preparing an estate plan to protect assets and plan for financial solvency, including living trusts;
  • Planning a Medicare and Medicaid application: timing it properly, protecting assets, taking advantage of Congressional safe harbors, we go A-to-Z and make sure our clients don’t miss a step;
  • Claiming Social Security benefits, including early Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), as well as appealing SSDI/SSI denials;
  • Alzheimer’s planning, which is a hybrid of asset protection, estate planning, Medicaid, and long-term care planning;
  • Special monthly VA benefits for over-65 veterans or surviving spouses.

Please call us at (415) 439-0653 to schedule a free consultation, or click here to schedule a free consultation.


Safety is our first priority with both clients and staff. Consequently, we have taken steps to enable a "Covid-Compliant" process for estate planning services during this difficult time. We can now complete the intake and drafting of your materials entirely by telephone or video conference. At present we are not receiving clients at any of our office locations. Thank you for understanding.